Loosing my health and what felt like my mind in my late teens is the reason I do what I do today, because I know what it's like to be constantly sick, stressed, tired and depressed.

I found out how to recover and rebuild from my own rock bottom, and I'm committed to helping others do the same.

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My journey back to health and happiness was far from a smooth ride...

While I always managed to keep a smile on my face most days, I was still facing a daily internal battle with feelings of anxiety, depression, debilitating digestive issues, exhaustion and overwhelm.

Overcoming my physical and mental health challenges, was anything but easy. It was definitely a long term game.

Once I finally took the leap and left my job as a hairdresser, I started my mission in gaining all the knowledge I possibly could, to help myself rebuild my life and health.

I was all in...

But I was faced with obstacle after obstacle, as soon as I thought I was getting somewhere, something else would pop up. I felt like there was no light at the end of the tunnel.

I didn't understand, I was doing the things that everyone says to do, you know "eat healthy and exercise", but it was only getting me so far.

I soon realized these were only 2 pieces of the puzzle, and what I really needed was a holistic approach to health, life and happiness.

So guess what I did...

I studied anything and everything I could that had to do with health and wellness. All so I could truly understand my body and what it really took to rebuild my health from the inside out and become the best version on myself possible.

Now... I help others do the same for themselves.

More about my studies and qualifications

Nutrition and personal training (2014) - I chose to study nutrition first as that's where most people start out on their health journey. However, I realised very quickly there was much more to consider when it can to whole health and wellbeing.

Herbalism and Naturopathy (2014 - 2016) - The philosophy of naturopathy inspired me as it believes that the body is a whole interconnected system and focuses on the root cause of disease and disharmony within the body. After I completed my studies, I felt like I had a good foundation to help myself and others, but something was missing...


Sound healing and reiki (2018) - I began to be fascinated beyond the physical and how energy and vibrational frequencies had the ability to influence everything within and around them. So, I studied sound healing, reiki and vibrational medicine.

Yoga and Breathwork (2019 - 2020) - After holidaying in Bali I committed to return and do a 200hr Shamaic Yoga Teacher training with Levi Banner, which opened me up to the world of yoga, pranayama and shamanism. Which I then went on to do further study in Shamanism and cyclical breathwork. 

Coaching (2021) - I committed to a 6-month Quantum Coaching certification, as I discovered if you don't have the right mindset healing and transformation is much more difficult. I learnt so much about myself and how to work deeper with my clients with my new skills of EFT, timeline technique and a deeper capacity to hold space for others. 

Spinal Flow Technique (2022) - After working on my own health and healing for many years and helping others do the same, I've come to the conclusion that if the body is stressed or stuck in a dysregulated nervous system state its extremely difficult for health and happiness to be restored. This is what lead me to study Spinal Flow which is a form of bodywork which releases stored physical, chemical and emotional stress from the body and activates the body's natural healing response. - This is now what I see as root cause healing, as I have learnt through experience that stress, trauma and a dysregulated nervous system is often the root cause of disharmony in the body and mind.

If you're dying to know more, here's 9 random things you may not know about me

  1. I left school at 15, though I have never stopped learning.

  2. I became a qualified hairdresser at 18, I then went on to study many health modalities. From personal training, naturopathy, nutrition, herbal medicine, energy medicine, sound healing, reiki, yoga, breathwork, life coaching and Spinal Flow.

  3. I get super smiley when I'm nervous.

  4. My favourite numbers or 3 and 9.

  5. I'm a terrible speller and rely heavily on spellcheck. - So, if you ever find spelling or grammar issues in my work, please be kind.

  6. I'm very multi passionate and become hyper focused on things that excite me.

  7. I get way too involved in TV. If someone talks to me while I'm watching TV I will reply, but have no recollection of the conversation. If I am watching a drama, I feel like it's happening in my own life and take it personally. There was even one time I was watching a movie, where there was a performance, and the audience started clapping. So of course, I started clapping like a total idiot. My sister still teases me about that to this day.

  8. My fiancé Mark and I share the same birthday (but 9 years apart)

  9. I'm a bit of an introvert - Although I can be really extroverted at times, and really put myself out there. Though, I prefer being in small groups, one on one and recharging myself by being on my own.